When Your Baby are Colic

Posting By ray |

COLIC, an stomachache attack making baby wept because hurting of course can make the matrons to worry and frustration. The medical doctors from The American Academy of Family gives explanation when small baby of you experiences this marking:

Colic doesn't mean your indisposed baby. Causative exactly unknown.

Doesn't feel guilty. You do not make something causing your baby that way.

Colic in general happened at age baby three months and almost have never happened more than 6 month.

It Is Not Wrong When You gives attention extra at your baby when this thing happened. Didn't worry if you are assumed to pampers baby.

There is many ways to make calm your baby. Tries doing different thing until you finds way how making calm baby like feeding, rocks it in chair, lains down on course balmy.

[source : healthdaynews]