Research by The National Heart and Lung Institute, published in scientific publication of European Respiratory Journal, be researching into newest hooking correlating apple and lung health.
Possibility of children drinking apple juice at least once experiences is out of breath 50 smaller % than they drinking less than once in one months, said the research finding.
Eats just fresh apple doesn't show benefit that is clear, adds result of the research.
This research observes child of age five to 10 years in area Greenwich, London. Researcher interrogates old fellow they are the problem of consumption fruit of their children and disease symptoms.
Even there is no bearing between apple juice consumptions and the lessen of possibility that asthma diagnosis that is actually, relation between out of breath and drinks the very strong juice.
Out of breath symptom appearance is wrong of important sign of chlid that is increasingly ices patient asthma, even many chlids showing the symptom in the end is not diagnosed with the exhalation disease.
Benefit is looking like, but feebler found at children eating banana at least once one day is compared to which less than once in one months.
Dr Mike Thomas, an asthma researcher in Universitas Aberdeen, English, tells this research is other evidence affected protektif apple.
"There is evidence that rich health food with good antioxidant and vitamin for asthma," he said.