If You are asthma patient that is also experiences problem fatness or obesity better allert because you very susceptible and would often is taken care of in hospital.
Like reported research in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology edition September, corpulent barium asthma patient of risk five times bigger got treatment in hospital as result of asthma attack compared to non-obesity patient.
This indication is result of study Dr. David M. Mosen from Kaiser Permanente in Portland, Oregon, and the team to 1113 active patients of asthma is having age a few 35 years. In testing obesity influence to asthma, Mosen considers a number of factors like smoking, consumption of buccal steroid drug and disease gastric reflux.
Compared to them normal heavily, patient which obes is noted 2,7 times more tends to has ugly operation when attacked asthma and 4,6 times tends to has history taken care of in hospital as result of asthma.
Important message from this research report writer word, Dr. Michael Schatz from Kaiser Permanente San Diego Medical Center, be asthma patient which obes must be watched neglectlessly because difficult to control their asthma, and on that account them tends to taken care of in hospital.
Like reported research in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology edition September, corpulent barium asthma patient of risk five times bigger got treatment in hospital as result of asthma attack compared to non-obesity patient.
This indication is result of study Dr. David M. Mosen from Kaiser Permanente in Portland, Oregon, and the team to 1113 active patients of asthma is having age a few 35 years. In testing obesity influence to asthma, Mosen considers a number of factors like smoking, consumption of buccal steroid drug and disease gastric reflux.
Compared to them normal heavily, patient which obes is noted 2,7 times more tends to has ugly operation when attacked asthma and 4,6 times tends to has history taken care of in hospital as result of asthma.
Important message from this research report writer word, Dr. Michael Schatz from Kaiser Permanente San Diego Medical Center, be asthma patient which obes must be watched neglectlessly because difficult to control their asthma, and on that account them tends to taken care of in hospital.