Laughs, Wipes Out Stres

Posting By ray |

Laughs of course can make us is more likes and healthy. This thing is because activity laughs can change sulky and sorrowful taste become feeling of rileks and burden anything felt lighter.

"When You laughs, you enters step rileks. Blood Pressure and heart tick reduces to normal, so that we feel calmer. Besides laughing also stimulates hormone endorphin, anti natural pain yielded by brain," said John Morreall, president of HUMORWORKS, Florida, United States.

Laughs also has biological impact because can return mood. When we throw humor, especially about everyday case which we are natural or problem, effective increased sense of belonging and contiguity one another. That is because his its the marriage problem experts suggests that you to entangle humor in everyday life with couple.

Taste stuck and losing of idea? Laughs because this activity can make we to think more creative. "Humor will wipe out mental resistance. This will push kit to think abnormally when seeing all something," said Morreall.

Meanwhile William Fry, professor emeritus Psikiatri from Universitas Stanford, tells creativity and humor is a identical thing. "Laughs can unite two things that is likely doesn't interact and creates relationship," he said.

Expressing theory laughs can increase health first time laid open by Norman Cousins in the year 1979 through its the book is a real in demand, Anatamoy of an Illness. But at century 17 a medical doctor from English, Thomas Sydenham, have ever written, "Arrival clawns to countryside simply can increase health than 20 times takes medicine".

During for centuries, the experts studies bearing between mood and laughs. They find that man is having sense of humor usually depression seldom and worries. Meanwhile researcher from West Chester University in Pennsylvania lays open that student using humor to face problem usually always positive thinking. So, laughs!