Another smoking risk is found. Based on result of research, recall someone can be decline is drastic because smoking habit.

a research done by Institut National de lanthanum Sante et de laRecherche Medicale, Prancis during three years. Result of new research is publicized Monday (9/6/2008).

Research data taken away from 10308 smoker that is age between 35-55 years. Some result of researchs becomes note necessary for you having smoking habit.

There is four important notes from the researchers. First of smoking habit within long can undermine someone recall, including also memory about words (vocab) also desire talks.

Smoking in bill old age will quicken declining it endurance and body ability. Besides smoking in bill age baya also makes susceptible body is attacked various disease.

Last, smoking habit can reduce cognate ability and enlarges death risk.

So, smoking stop by now!